RNN (6) - Results
In Pynq, SW Driver can be developed in Python Jupyter notebook environment. It can be implemented with relatively few lines as the linked source below. In order to understand how SW operates, it is necessary to understand the driving principle of the RTL block, which will be explained in detail in a separate post. If you check the results, - Function: If you look at the graph below, there is no big difference between the results of the System Simulator and the results of RTL, and it runs exactly. However, there is a difference in the number system used by the System Simulator and RTL, and in the process of dividing the precision after multiplication, RTL simply used a bit shift operation, and the System Simulator used Python's division. That can bring the difference on the results. - Performance: The performance is compared with the total time the RNN is run. Of course, there may be a problem with the precision of the measurement time with Python, but since the order o...